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Syllabus and Introduction
Course Outline
What is Awakening?
In the beginning..
Creation of Light and of Earth
Creation, Archons and Man
Structure of Souls-Matrix (6:06)
Illumination and Awakening
Man and Woman
Anatomy of Consciousness and the Brain
Spiritual Consciousness
Technology and Our Course
The Dimensions (15:28)
Introduction to System, Higher Powers, Control, and Endtimes
Introduction to the Seals, Part One
Energies of the 7 Seals
Introduction To The Deities- Surrender to Awaken
Samael, Deities, and the Confusion
For Monday- The Family-Niburus Return- Antichrist Leader-Hell
Breaking Down the Revelations Part One
Revelations Part 2- What to Expect In Rapture, Agenda
MultiVerse Deities, and our Network Connection- Families
What are we?
Avatar and Higher Self
Discerning Today
What to do now...
Revelations- Anti Christ, Horsemen, and Agenda
Father Of Earth, and Our Next King...
Teach online with
Father Of Earth, and Our Next King...
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