Tantric Sex: The Rise & The Kundalini Starting 2024

This course holds the missing keys to enlightenment, power, and is the break through in perfect relationships, happiness being alone, building confidence, and sexuality. It teaches hidden elements in ascension, and for raising the kundalini for real!

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This course provides insight into the world of power, love, and enlightenment. This course offers lessons in relationships, communications, sexuality, and energy. It holds the missing keys for ascension because it teaches the stuff that no one has ever learned before in their lives and won’t from anywhere else! You can’t learn this from your parents, other workshops, or even enough life experiences. This workshop teaches you how to find true love if you haven’t found it already, and how to know if you have. It teaches those who have found it, how to keep it. It teaches those who are in love, how to pleasure one another, and it teaches soloists to “correctly” and in a spiritually clean way, to find pleasure, or to change the energy into a higher frequency for kundalini awakening. It provides insight into duality, inviting your true twin flame to be found, and will help you to understand what that means

This course is the fountain of truth, love, youth, and joy!

The course will not be available until spring of 2024. Enrollments are open from now December 10, 2024, until January 1, 2024. No more enrollments will be taken after Jan 1.

To enroll, simply purchase the course! You’ll be a student automatically but won’t see the curriculum until January first.

Your Instructor

Alura cein
Alura cein

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The enrollment begins December 10, 2023 and ends on January 1, 2024. The course itself does not start until April 1, 2024/ Students who have enrolled during the enrollment date, will already be a student but will not be able to see the curriculum appear until April 1, 2024.
How long do I have access to the course?
The course is six months long. Students have a full year to complete the course. Their year begins on April 1, 2024 if they purchased during the enrollment period, not on the date that they purchased.
Do members still have unlimited acess?
VIP and BCD members to Alura's website will have this course added to their unlimited accessibility list here after enrollment and will continue to have unlimited access as long as they are a member.
How many semesters will this course have?
This course is one semester long for the individual taking it, but it is not complete after this semester, no. Before the course ends, students will take a final quiz which will determine if they move on to the additional features of the course. Those features include: 1. 2 months free access to a private area 2. Discount off of the price for the ongoing subscription which will be offered, in order for them to continue advancing. 3. The Subscription itself comes with many benefits which are offered to the member who enrolls in the smaller additional course. Those who move on to the additional mini course and club will only do so if they have a passing grade of 89% or more on the final quiz.

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